What's on in Lesbian Wellington

Wellington Racqueteers Wāhine night
Valentine's Badminton Bash Friday 14th February 6pm @ Badminton Wellington Centre, 1 Ruahine St., Hataitai
Calling all queer, lesbian, bi women, transwomen, non-binary and non-male identifying people! There is now a social badminton night designed for you. The cost is $10 plus $5 racquet hire if necessary. More info on the facebook event page. Register to attend by emailing wgtnracqueteers@gmail.com. This event is usually held the first Friday of the month.

LILAC - Wellington's Lesbian Library
LILAC is a lending library for lesbians and queer women with a great selection
of books, DVDs and magazines. It is at level 2, 187 Willis Street (flat access
from the street, lift).
More info on the LILAC website at
lilac.lesbian.net.nz - try the TinyCat searchable catalogue.
LILAC is open:
- Wednesdays 5.30-7.30 pm
- Thursdays 11 am-2 pm
- Saturdays 11 am-2 pm

LILAC Book Group
- Wednesday 12th February, 6 - 7:30 pm
- featuring your favourite holiday reading ... more info on the Book Group's webpage
LILAC Book Group meets on the second Wednesday of the month (except January) in the LILAC Lounge level 2, 187 Willis Street (flat access from the street, lift). Tea and coffee are available and there may be bikkies. Come and join us to share a relaxing evening (re)discovering a range of lesbian literature.

Lesbian coming out meet-up
Saturday 15th February 2-4pm TBC @ LILAC Lounge, level 2, 187 Willis St.
A monthly event hosted at LILAC for women who have recently come out, or are thinking about
coming out as lesbian, to meet in a relaxed and supportive social environment. Pass it
on - let your friends know!
Held on the third Saturday of the month [but taking a break in December & January]

Occasional drinks & dinner at Finns Bar, Paekākāriki
Held on the third Friday (usually) of the month at Finns Bar, Paekākāriki.
Next: Friday 21st Febuary from 5.30 pm
Please phone Finns and add your [first] name to Sally’s table 04 292 8081 or email finnshotel2021@hotmail.com and book a seat at Sally's table.

Polari - Fantabulosa!
Polari is a queer inclusive cocktail party held at a different style-y bar in Wellington, usually on a Friday, sometimes late in the month. Keep an eye on the facebook page for more info.
- Friday 21st February 5pm @ Dee's Place, Cuba St., 135 Cuba St. - facebook event page.

Kāpiti lesbians dining out
Potlucks are held on the Kāpiti Coast, usually on the first Saturday of the month. Lesbians from any area is welcome to attend - bring a mains or dessert to share, beverage of your choice. Singles and couples are welcome, as are visiting lesbians. The dates and venues are advertised via Leonie's email list.
LILAC has a Kāpiti service - bringing books, DVDs etc plus membership forms - to the monthly dinners so that women can join the library and borrow. Check the LILAC website for more information.

Lesbian Overland and Café Club
The Overlanders toddled off into the sunset ... to join the Wellington Wanderers in 2024.
The Lesbian Overland and Café Club was a social walking group for lesbians and their women friends. The first Overlanders walk was in November 1990; it continued on from the Lesbian Tramping Club which had it's first outing on 12 March 1988 - a walk to Butterfly Creek in the hills behind Eastbourne ... the Overlanders went there a few times as well. The final Overlanders walk was at Hemi Matenga, Waikanae in April 2024 ... more on the Overlanders page.

Planning a trip to New Zealand or an outdoor adventure
- Sidetracks women - guided outdoors adventures.
- Women's Adventures NZ - more outdoors adventures.
- Women Travel New Zealand - essential information for the woman traveller visiting New Zealand.
- New Zealand Awaits - small group trips and bespoke adventures.

Social media groups
- lgbtqi+ Out & About Wellington for letting non-straight women know what's on in Wellington and surrounds
- Aotearoa NZ Lesbians Social Group - lots of chat ...
- LEZconnect NZ - a safe space for lesbians to share experiences, ask for advice and insight, chat and meet new people
- Rainbow Focus - social group organising activities (closed group - join to see content).
- lgbtqi+ Out & About Wellington
- Lemon Tea Wellington lesbian, bi & mtf trans dining and social group
- Stitch and Butch - a group of fun supportive queer folk who enjoy being crafty with yarn (while yarning craftily)
- LesbiansNZ
- Queer whānau building Pōneke - A Wellington based group for queer whānau of every kind. Have kids, dream of a family, dedicated Aunty, straight parents with queer kids and more
- Rainbow families Aotearoa NZ - a friendly forum for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) parents, prospective parents, and their families
- plus a list of LGBTQ groups on our Rainbow page