Lesbian Wellington

It's holiday season so most regular events are on holiday too ... awaiting dates for 2025.

Wellington Pride Festival 7-23 March 2025
The dates have been set for the major events
Opening Show Friday 7th March
Pride Youth Ball Saturday 15th March
Out in the City Saturday 22 March
Pride Hīkoi & Picnic Sunday 23 March
Registration is now open for stallholders, events & artists and volunteers - more info on the Wellington Pride website. The programme will be finalised in late January so register your event soon. Follow on facebook.
meanwhile over the hill ...

Featherston Pride Festival Saturday 15 March
Come and be a part of the first ever Wairarapa Pride Parade and associated events! Gather your friends and whanau for a fun filled and inclusive day of celebration and glamour! Planning under way ... follow on facebook.

Armstrong & Arthur Charitable Trust for Lesbians
The Armstrong and Arthur Charitable Trust for Lesbians was established in 2001 by the late Bea Arthur for the benefit of lesbian community groups in the Wellington region. The Trust is named to recognise and remember the 57 year relationship of Bea and her partner the late Bette Armstrong. The Trustees invite applications for funding assistance, as grants, for projects and activities that will benefit all or part of the lesbian communities in the Wellington region. Visit the Trust website www.armstrong-arthur-trust.nz for information about how to apply for grants, and how to donate or make bequests to the Trust.
Application forms and guidelines are available from the Trust's website.

Leonie's email list
This is a service for distributing your notices to the lesbian community. To join
the list, email leonies.email.list@lesbian.net.nz.
If you were once on the email list but have not received any messages for a long while
you may need to rejoin - email Leonie.
Once you are on the list, you can send email notices to the same address for distribution. Any notice that will help or inform us as lesbians is sent out.
- When sending in a notice please include any relevant contact info in the content of the message or at the end - your email address in your message's header will be stripped out before the notice is distributed.
- Political notices and attachments are not sent out.
- And please keep your message simple - strip out earlier email messages to save Leonie having to do it!